POGOS: Oliver Crisp and Mike Rea on the Origins of Analytic Theology, Divine Hiddenness, and Original Sin – The Logos Institute Podcast for 23.07.18

On this week’s POGOS, Jonathan and Stephanie Nicole dialogue with Professors Oliver D. Crisp & Michael C. Rea about the origins of analytic theology.



1:48 – history of analytic theology – 4:11 – dialogue between philosophers and theologians  – 7:57 – interests and methodologies in theology and philosophy – 10:38 – theology past and present


Oliver D. Crisp is a Professorial Fellow with the Logos Institute as well as Professor of Systematic Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is currently heading up a major $2 million, three-year research project entitled “Prayer, Love, and Human Nature: Analytic Theology for Theological Formation,” funded through the generosity of the John Templeton Foundation. Dr. Crisp has published many articles in professional journals, including the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Journal of Theological Studies, Religious Studies, Scottish Journal of Theology, and International Journal for Systematic Theology, among others. He has edited or coedited numerous books, including Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology (2014), Jonathan Edwards Among the Theologians (2015), and The Word Enfleshed: Exploring the Person and Work of Christ (2016).


Michael Rea is a Professorial Fellow at the Logos Institute at the University of St Andrews as well as the Rev. John A. O’Brien Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Philosophy of Religion at the University of Notre Dame.His research focuses primarily on  topics in metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and analytic theology. He has has written or edited more than ten books and forty articles, and has given numerous lectures in the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Russia, China, and Iran, including the 2017 Gifford Lectures at the University of St Andrews.


Jonathan C Rutledge is a producer and host of the Logos Institute’s official podcast, Pogos. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied under Linda T. Zagzebski, and he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in divinity at the University of St Andrews under Alan J. Torrance. His primary academic interests lie in the areas of epistemology, philosophy of religion, and systematic & analytic theology. His current projects include work on the nature of forgiveness, a sacrificial account of atonement, philosophical Arminianism as an account of divine creation, and constructing a new Foley-inspired account of epistemic rationality & defeat.

Stephanie Nicole Nordby is also a producer and co-host of Pogos, as well as Visiting Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics at Lee University. Nordby received a Ph.D. in philosophy under the supervision of Linda Zagzebski at the University of Oklahoma. Her dissertation focused on divine predication and attributes, biblical genres and philosophy of language, and classical theism and the Hebrew Scriptures. In addition to her interest in analytic and exegetical theology, Nordby is interested in metaphysics, animal ethics, and virtue ethics. She is also working on a Ph.D. in theology at the Logos Institute, working under supervisors Oliver Crisp and Christoph Schwoebel. Her dissertation project is a book on the philosophical and systematic implications of the early high Christology movement.